This is the advanced anaerobic treatment process. This will treat the organic effluents with a COD loading rate of 15 – 20 Kg/M3 volume of digester. It is the most suitable system for paper and pulp industry, Sugar industry, Breweries, Dairies, Petrochemicals and Other food processing industries. The internals of the systems are made from Polypropylene and it ensures corrosion proof Gas collecting system with no solid deposits on it, and this ensures the system's life longer.
It has also eliminated odour related issues.
The salient Features are:
- Organic Loading rates are typically in the range of 10 - 25 kg COD/
- Corrosion Proof internals
- Can Develop Higher Pressure inside the Reactor and so Biogas holder may not be required.
- No odour or smell
- Internals in PP, ensures longer and trouble free life
- Well-designed hydraulic mixing inside the reactor ensuring Maximum contact